Herbs for Human ~ Spiritual Energy
This is the second part of herbs and its benefits to people… Some believe its brings us luck.. how about you..?
Common name for an annual or biennial herb of the parsley family.
Garden sorrel or sour dock, is a perennial herb and common name for certain low-growing plants of the dock genus.
A common weed in North America. The sharp fragrance is a common name for a hardy perennial herb of the mint family.
Lavender is a common name for any of a genus of fragrant herbs and shrubs (Mint).
Sweet Woodruff:
Common name for a perennial herb (one that lives for at least three years)
Common name for a genus of plants of the barberry family. Mayaple known as perennial herb.
Borage is a common name for a large, widely distributed family of flowering plants (Mint) and for its representative genus.
As a protection. Used in all protection sachets and spells, also to banish negative energies and spirits.
Also believed to give prosperity, Money. Keep in the home to protect from hunger or poverty.
If you can see some of the herbs listed above are not just useful for medicinal purposes or human health care but also believe to bring protection and prosperity.
I will further brief about this in the next posting… Herbs for Human Health