Saturday, December 23, 2006

Herbal plants

** When selecting fresh herbs, do aware that herbs are best when harvested in morning…

Below are some of herbs name that start with the capital A…

- Abalone
- Abcess Root
- Abrus
- Acacia
- Acidophilus
- Aconite
- Acryanthe Root
- Adonis
- Agar – Agar
- Agrimony
- Ajmud
- Ajuga
- Alaria
- Alfalfa
- Alkanet
- Allspice
- Almond
- Aloe
- Amalaki
- Amber
- Ambrosia
- Ampelopsis
- Amomum
- Anaphalis
- Angelica
- Annatto
- Apple
- Apricot

These examples are some of the name of herbs all around the world, not including their functions and benefits such for human health care or spiritual energies..

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