Sunday, January 7, 2007

Herbs for health care ~ Essential Oils (Ease Tense & Pressure)

Essential Oils is one of the most popular herbs product. Its comes from several part of herbal plants which also we can described as herbs (referring to previous posting).

Below are a brief description of Essential Oils and Aromatherapy from Herbs :

Essential oils- pure essential oils come from nature; which are the essence of plants or herbal plants. They are droplets of fluid (like water) contained in leaves, flowers, bark, fruits or stems of different plants ( herbs ). Its give the plant its unique scent. It is volatile and easily transfer form liquid to gaseous at room temperature or higher. They can change in composition and location with a particular plant.

Aromatherpy (essential oils) is used to self-heal and soothe common health challenge and stress. It is however no means a replacement for the opinion of a licensed physician and should always be used with respect to get the benefits.

Nevertheless, it is important to use these oils thorough knowledge of their potency. Its definitely for human health care.

Health care ~ Aromatherapy

Aromatherapy had been known as one of essential oil that helps to ease stress especially in massage all over the world. Aromatherapy actually is the controlled use of natural oils in the process of physical and emotional healing. It uses essential oils from trees, flowers, fruits, roots, berries and especially Herbs to treat emotional disorders such as stress, apprehension as well as other ailments and to encourage physical, mental and emotional wellness. Commonly the oils massaged into the skin in diluted form and even the oils placed in baths or just applied on and around body.

Herbs for health ~ Acupunture and Acupressure

Acupuncture and acupressure are two non-drug therapies which are making their presence felt in the complementary medicine scene. Acupressure and reflexology are getting crowd because of ease of practice.

Herbalism, acupuncture, psychic healing, aromatherapy, touch therapy and massage therapy can all work with orthodox treatments to create a healthy body for both man and woman.

Ayurveda is a Sanskrit word derived from two roots: Ayur means life;d Veda which means knowledge. It has its roots in ancient vedic literature. Ayurveda, a system of diet, healing and health maintenance, probably the oldest science of life.