Herbs ~ Healthy Plant
Herbs had been categorized by some herbalist, depends on its nutritious and benifits to human being. Some used for medical purposes, some for fragrance, cooking or even gardenings.
People always sought help through the herbs, because herbs are natural sources; unlike medications that produce countless side effects, herbs can realign the body's defenses, helping it to heal itself with no side effects.Herbs are natural remedies. Herbs were always the natural medicines for the human being.
Herbs take up substances from the earth and convert them into vitamins, minerals, carbohydrates, proteins and fats that our bodies use for nourishment and healing. By using the whole plants or herbs, we take in all the vital ingredients they carry.Herbs work synergistically, so combining them enhances each herb's properties, helping to bring greater healing to the body.
Herbs are perceived to have varying combinations of qualities and degrees of each quality, too. Herbs can be both heating and drying, or heating and moistening. It can be cooling and drying. The way in which these qualities are assigned to plants is really very simple. Heating herbs are believed to produce warmth in the body.Cooling herbs, on the other hand, are those which healers believe take heat away from the body, or from some part of the body.
Whether an herb is classified as moistening or drying depends on its individual properties. Herb that has been observed to increase urination, is considered drying. Any astringent herb, such as oak bark is also called drying. Usually the aromatics (like anise or caraway) are thought of as drying.
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